It does seem that the world has gone mad with consumerism! Our industry is heavily dependent on consumption, so this week we want to talk about being an eco-conscious company and how you can be more sustainable in this industry.
Consumption reduction results in reduced waste, trash in the ocean, and plastics in our drinking water.
1. Reduce
We know that once you have bought equipment and you have a kit you like..let’s face it you probably tried and tested a few products that you don’t use or need in your kit. So our advice is to find what you like and stick to that, try not to buy unnecessary products that don’t add value to your kit, for example, one too many mesh bags for sponges, brushes, bags pots etc.
2. Reuse
We recently shared videos on how we reuse our paints and split cakes online: check out our socials Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Youtube and Pinterest.
Reusing it will help us cut down on the quantity we throw in the trash.
3. Recycle
When we do decide to discard, we make sure recyclable plastics are thoroughly cleaned before recycling.
We hope this inspires you to be more eco-conscious!
Also, be sure to check out our YouTube channel for great tips and tricks: